Intellectual Property Law
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Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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Why is the US agreeing to enter into the TADP Framework with the EU?
The US and EU have agreed to enter into the Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy (TADP) to help govern how EU private data is handled by US companies and US intelligence agencies.
Why is the Peloton class action suit important to follow?
The District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled that a class action for deceptive practices against Peloton could proceed with claims of false advertising and deceptive practices.
What should people know about investing in the Metaverse?
The Metaverse is said to become the next big thing in 2022 as celebrities, famous companies, and tech insiders hustle to buy up parcels of virtual land for a piece of it.
What is the TLDR Act proposed by Congress?
Recently, Congress has proposed a new TLDR Act to require that terms of use and service agreements include disclosures in layman terms to help consumers understand the agreements and the personal information being collected.
Why was OpenX found guilty of privacy law violations?
Although OpenX claimed it does not market directly to children, it was found guilty of COPPA and other privacy violations and fined $2 million.
How are tech companies working to heighten app privacy standards?
Google and Apple are implementing changes in their app stores to help raise standards for consumer privacy in mobile apps.
Why is DoorDash against a new NYC law regarding sharing of consumer information?
DoorDash has challenged a New York City law that requires food delivery app services, such as DoorDash and UberEats, to share the personal information of customers that have used their delivery app services after they complete orders.
Why are changes to COPPA being considered?
Read about representative Castor’s proposed changes to the PRIVCY Act and COPPA aimed to better protect children and teenagers online.
Why is Bolsinger’s trade secret misappropriation lawsuit against the Astros raising interesting IP questions?
Read about MLP player Michael Bolsinger’s claims that his pitching signals are trade secrets and were misappropriated by the Astros.
What should users of AI and FRS technology be aware of as potential concerns?
While AI and FRS technology invade our daily lives in common and almost necessary uses, consumers should be aware of the potential concerns involving how the technology was and is being developed as well as potential security threats.
Why is the NY Tenant Data Privacy Act important?
Read about New York’s new privacy law to safeguard tenant privacy in dwellings using biometric data for amenities such as keyless entry systems.
How can IoT devices be protected from hackers?
The use of IoT has expanded into business daily operations for many companies, so knowing how best to protect IoT devices from cyberattacks is important.
Why are the new FL and VA privacy laws making a trend toward tougher protections?
Read about Florida and Virginia implementing new state privacy laws.
How is IoT used in gambling and casinos?
The use of IoT has expanded into the gambling and casino world aimed at enhancing security and user experience.
Why is the Supreme Court decision about Google’s copying of Oracle’s Java API a landmark decision?
The Supreme Court found that if certain factors are met, the copying of code can be considered fair use.
Why is California banning dark patterns as deceptive trade practices?
California law is helping provide consumer protection by banning the use of “dark patterns” on the web deeming such use to be deceptive trade practices.
What are the proposed changes to the patent bar eligibility requirements?
The USPTO seeks comments for proposed changes to make the patent bar exam application process more efficient.
What is the hype about Apple privacy labels meant to help with consumer privacy?
Apple reaches for transparency with consumers by requiring privacy labels on apps sold in the Apple app store, to identify what user data is collected and how it is used.
How will the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act affect businesses?
The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act is set to provide consumers with safeguards for personal data privacy and require stringent regulations from businesses collecting consumer data.
What are the current Robinhood controversies?
The Robinhood investment service is in the middle of the Gamestop trading controversy and a wrongful death case.