Intellectual Property Law
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Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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What should users of AI and FRS technology be aware of as potential concerns?
While AI and FRS technology invade our daily lives in common and almost necessary uses, consumers should be aware of the potential concerns involving how the technology was and is being developed as well as potential security threats.
How can IoT devices be protected from hackers?
The use of IoT has expanded into business daily operations for many companies, so knowing how best to protect IoT devices from cyberattacks is important.
How is IoT used in gambling and casinos?
The use of IoT has expanded into the gambling and casino world aimed at enhancing security and user experience.
What are the privacy concerns with Amazon Sidewalk?
Amazon is expected to launch its Amazon Sidewalk later this year to work with smart devices and connect neighboring Wi-Fi networks. However, critics raise privacy concerns.
Are there safety and security standards for IoT devices?
Congress recently passed the IoT Cybersecurity Act which will set guidelines and standards for security of IoT devices.