Intellectual Property Law
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Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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Why is the copyright infringement case against Internet Archive important?
Internet Archive is defending itself against copyright claims for use of Controlled Digital Lending of books.
Why is it important that the Supreme Court is hearing arguments on DMCA Section 1201?
Read about the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments regarding digital locks under the DMCA, which has been a sore subject for critics of the law.
Who owns IP rights in AI-generated artwork?
With the increased use of AI-generated content and artwork, there are questions as to the ownership of any resulting intellectual property.
Why did the Internet Archive get sued for offering free books in the national emergency library?
Many online content providers are offering special content offerings in an effort to obtain new consumers, especially now during a time when many consumers are choosing to stay at home. However, providers should take care to avoid and prevent copyright infringement issues.
The DMCA was enacted over 20 years ago, so with the change in online posting over the years, should the DMCA notice and takedown process get an update?
It may be time for Congress to update the DMCA safe harbor and notice and takedown provisions as the times have dramatically changed in online postings over the last 20 years since the Act was enacted.