Intellectual Property Law
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Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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Why did the FTC’s decision for bringing antitrust suits against 1-800 Contacts get overturned?
How the Second Circuit overruled an FTC decision against 1-800 Contacts.
How is Amazon using brand gating to help prevent counterfeiting?
Amazon implemented brand gating to help detect and prevent counterfeiting on its platform.
How are damages calculated in Korean TM infringement cases?
Due to recent changes in law, it is now possible to get treble damages in certain Korean trademark litigation claims.
How are trademarks important and should I seek registration for federal protection?
Get answers to the most important trademark questions to ask when considering trademark protection.
What happened with Carole Baskin’s IP infringement claims against Joe Exotic?
The rivalry seen in Tiger King between Exotic and Baskin revealed shady behavior, and the zoo deed transfer attempt by Exotic to avoid payment of the IP judgment against him proved to be yet another such act.