Intellectual Property Law
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Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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When is use of competitor trademarks considered trademark in infringement in PPC ads?
Learn about the key elements to plead in a PPC ad trademark infringement case in the Northern District of Texas.
What are attorney-client arbitration provisions and how can they help in dispute resolution?
There are times when the use of client arbitration agreements can provide an effective and less aggressive method of dealing with potential attorney-client disputes.
What are YouTube copyright bots and how do they help stop copyright infringement?
Online service providers have legal requirements to prevent copyright infringement on their platforms and to take down infringing content promptly. Therefore, large companies like YouTube and Google resort to the use of automated technology such as copyright bots to help with the process.
What are arbitration provisions and how can they help in business agreements?
There are times when the use of arbitration agreements can provide an advantage to resorting to litigation when business disputes arise.
What is YouTube’s content ID system and why are artists alleging copyright infringement?
Grammy winners have filed a class action lawsuit against YouTube for is content ID system claiming it unfairly works against lesser-known artists and facilitates copyright infringement on the YouTube platform.
What are ways an owner can lose trademark rights?
Two ways to lose trademark rights are through naked licensing and trademark abandonment, which hinge on the proper transfer of goodwill and proper trademark use. However, there are nuances on what is considered goodwill as well as exceptions for non-use.
How is IBM challenging California Privacy Law in court?
After getting hit with a lawsuit for disclosures in its Weather Channel App, IBM challenges California’s stringent Privacy Law and claims overreaching.
What happened with Carole Baskin’s IP infringement claims against Joe Exotic?
The rivalry seen in Tiger King between Exotic and Baskin revealed shady behavior, and the zoo deed transfer attempt by Exotic to avoid payment of the IP judgment against him proved to be yet another such act.
During a health pandemic, should vaccine patents be allowed or should there be some sort of exception?
Patents on medical inventions, including vaccines are important for the companies creating the inventions to reap the rewards of their research and innovation. However, with a global pandemic and the need for global access to a vaccine, experts express concerns regarding availability, access, and distribution of a vaccine if vaccine patents are allowed without some oversight.