Intellectual Property Law
Questions Answered
Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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How does a trademark become a holiday brand?
Companies spend significant effort in marketing and enforcement, all year long, to create brands that can be considered recognized holiday brands.
When will the EECC be enacted and what does it mean for network communications?
The EECC is a new European Union directive to help standardize the security of communications networks, provide better user privacy, and cap certain service pricing.
What happens with UK trademark protection on January 1, 2021?
EU portfolio owners and trademark counsel should be aware of the changes to UK trademark rights and requirements as the end of the Brexit transition approaches.
What are the US trademark filing fees?
Trademark portfolio owners and trademark counsel should be aware that the USPTO is increasing the trademark filing fees in 2021.
What are the privacy concerns with Amazon Sidewalk?
Amazon is expected to launch its Amazon Sidewalk later this year to work with smart devices and connect neighboring Wi-Fi networks. However, critics raise privacy concerns.
Are there safety and security standards for IoT devices?
Congress recently passed the IoT Cybersecurity Act which will set guidelines and standards for security of IoT devices.
Why are terminated Uber drivers challenging Uber under GDPR Article 22?
Uber drivers are challenging Uber in a high-profile lawsuit claiming privacy violations under EU’s GDPR Article 22.
How are damages calculated in Korean TM infringement cases?
Due to recent changes in law, it is now possible to get treble damages in certain Korean trademark litigation claims.
Why is the proposed Bill about changing powers for shutting down the Internet?
Read about the proposed Bill to add safeguards to the Executive Branch’s power to shut down the Internet in a national emergency.
How are trademarks important and should I seek registration for federal protection?
Get answers to the most important trademark questions to ask when considering trademark protection.
Why is the healthcare industry claiming pricing models as trade secret information?
Read about how hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are pushing to have pricing models considered to be trade secrets.
What is the Texas Alternative Dispute Resolution Act?
Read about how the Texas Alternative Dispute Resolution Act (Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code Section 154) sets forth the requirements in the State of Texas for referral by Texas courts of disputes to alternative dispute resolution procedures (ADR).
What can help protect trade secrets when employees are allowed to work remotely?
Read about how to protect business assets in the new normal for business of employees working remotely.
How do provisional patents help reserve patent rights?
Learn about the provisional patent application and how it provides additional time to preserve patent rights.
Why is law enforcement weary of new encryption protocols for online privacy?
Read about the two different views between law enforcement efforts and consumer wishes for better privacy online.
Why are cities starting to ban the use of facial recognition software in public areas?
Read about the ban of facial recognition software by some U.S. cities due to concerns over privacy issues and potential for harmful or biased use of the data.
What are Facebook’s latest challenges with the GDPR?
Read about Facebook’s latest issues with compliance with the GDPR and a DPC order that could force Facebook to cease operations in the EU.
Do you read all your app notifications? Some may contain important information about access to your private data.
Learn about how app notifications may alert you to unexpected or unauthorized access to private data.
Why should app users be aware of app privacy policies?
Learn about how apps collect and use personal data and why there has been recent scrutiny against the Tik Tok app.
What can brand owners do if their trademark use becomes inappropriate due to the pandemic?
Read about KFC’s approach to trademark use, without actual use, while its slogan is temporarily considered inappropriate in the global pandemic.