Intellectual Property Law
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Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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What is the hype about Apple privacy labels meant to help with consumer privacy?
Apple reaches for transparency with consumers by requiring privacy labels on apps sold in the Apple app store, to identify what user data is collected and how it is used.
Why is cosplay in Japan potentially illegal?
Legal issues that cosplayers could encounter in Japan.
Why is the Discord platform in trouble of being shut down?
Discord facing legal issues after being sued by Coretek claiming patent infringement.
How will the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act affect businesses?
The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act is set to provide consumers with safeguards for personal data privacy and require stringent regulations from businesses collecting consumer data.
What are the differences between distributors and dealers?
Though the terms dealers and distributors are often used interchangeably, there are important differences between the two.
What are the current Robinhood controversies?
The Robinhood investment service is in the middle of the Gamestop trading controversy and a wrongful death case.
What does Andrei Iancu hold as his greatest accomplishments as USPTO Director?
Andrei Iancu, former USPTO Director, leaves post with highlights of his accomplishments over the past three years.
What should investors know about the Robinhood service model?
The Robinhood app is creating changes in how major investment companies do business for the better to consumers, but it has also been in the middle of the Gamestop trading controversy recently raising questions.
How can credibility be best reflected by legal counsel during Zoom legal hearings?
Showing credibility through videoconferencing like Zoom hearings, depositions, and trials can be difficult. However, some basic tips for presentation, organization, and advance preparation can help.
Why is the EU fining Grindr millions for a data breach?
Grindr’s sharing of personal consumer information without explicit consent has caused outrage and safety concerns, with Norway stating it will fine the company $11.7M.
What are the benefits of Amazon Brand Registry?
Amazon’s Brand Registry can provide support to help brand owners selling on Amazon from unauthorized sellers and counterfeit sales.
Why is there a push for the use of encryption backdoors?
Although most companies collect user data and enforcement agencies seek access, some companies are resisting use of encryption backdoors.
How is Amazon using brand gating to help prevent counterfeiting?
Amazon implemented brand gating to help detect and prevent counterfeiting on its platform.
How can patent damages be taxed as capital gains?
A recent trend sees patent damages being treated as capital gains for income tax purposes.
How were the EDTX local patent rules for invalidity contentions recently amended?
Effective December 1, 2020, amendments to the EDTX local patent rules for invalidity contentions were made to ensure a defendant an opportunity to prepare invalidity contentions as well as to reflect changes resulting from the AIA.
Why is the Ninth Circuit’s decision with application of the DTSA considered a landmark decision?
A court determines that a continued use provision identified within the DTSA should allow for retroactive application in misappropriation cases.
How does private browsing work and what privacy can truly be expected?
The expectation of privacy in choosing “private browsing” when surfing the Internet may have either been misconstrued or have been intentionally misleading. A California class action suit aims to hold Google accountable for claims of alleged privacy violations.
Why is edge computing expected to become more popular in 2021?
A rise in use of edge computing over cloud computing is expected as the use of IoT and smart devices require faster processing times, bandwidth, and stable connectivity.
Was it IP infringement for Netflix to use the phrase, Tiger King?
The Tiger King saga continues with lawsuits claiming IP infringement. However, judge dismisses claims applying the Rogers test and finding first amendment rights.