Intellectual Property Law
Questions Answered
Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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Why is the Texas state sex trafficking law a new concern for online providers?
Read about the importance for online providers to implement better safeguards to prevent liability stemming from wrong doers utilizing their services.
Why should companies revisit their IP protocols in the wake of the pandemic?
Read about the importance of reviewing a company’s IP protocols for best protection.
How has the increase in streaming services impacted the U.S. trademark office?
Read about the extended wait time for examination of U.S. trademark applications due to a surge in filings in 2021.
Why might the CFAA now have less scope of protection?
How the Supreme Court narrowed the definition of “authorized access” in CFAA, computer fraud cases.
Why did the FTC’s decision for bringing antitrust suits against 1-800 Contacts get overturned?
How the Second Circuit overruled an FTC decision against 1-800 Contacts.
Why is the end of the patent pilot program a concern?
The Patent Pilot Program will come to an end in July 2021, taking with it the predictability afforded to patent litigation cases during the program.
Why is the latest ALI copyright restatement considered a pivotal change in law?
The American Legal Institute (ALI) proposed a new copyright restatement that is creating controversy between musicians and proponents of innovation.
Why is the copyright infringement case between Unicolors and H&M significant for copyright law?
The Supreme Court will hear a copyright invalidation case between H&M and Unicolors over copyright infringement.
Why is Bolsinger’s trade secret misappropriation lawsuit against the Astros raising interesting IP questions?
Read about MLP player Michael Bolsinger’s claims that his pitching signals are trade secrets and were misappropriated by the Astros.
What should users of AI and FRS technology be aware of as potential concerns?
While AI and FRS technology invade our daily lives in common and almost necessary uses, consumers should be aware of the potential concerns involving how the technology was and is being developed as well as potential security threats.
Why is the NY Tenant Data Privacy Act important?
Read about New York’s new privacy law to safeguard tenant privacy in dwellings using biometric data for amenities such as keyless entry systems.
How does the USPTO’s new appeal brief resources help?
The use of the USPTO’s new ex party appeal brief resources helps inventors and attorneys efficiently draft proper appeals.
How can IoT devices be protected from hackers?
The use of IoT has expanded into business daily operations for many companies, so knowing how best to protect IoT devices from cyberattacks is important.
Why are the new FL and VA privacy laws making a trend toward tougher protections?
Read about Florida and Virginia implementing new state privacy laws.
How is IoT used in gambling and casinos?
The use of IoT has expanded into the gambling and casino world aimed at enhancing security and user experience.
How are client lists protected as trade secrets?
The disclosure of client lists to a third party will remove the trade secret value and rights they once had when kept truly confidential.
Why is the Supreme Court decision about Google’s copying of Oracle’s Java API a landmark decision?
The Supreme Court found that if certain factors are met, the copying of code can be considered fair use.
Why is California banning dark patterns as deceptive trade practices?
California law is helping provide consumer protection by banning the use of “dark patterns” on the web deeming such use to be deceptive trade practices.
Is it legal to get served litigation via a social media account?
Texas is now allowing substitute service of process using social media accounts.
What are the proposed changes to the patent bar eligibility requirements?
The USPTO seeks comments for proposed changes to make the patent bar exam application process more efficient.